Code, games, and sarcasm
Matt Soucy

Adventures at PyCon 2015

in life by Matt Soucy - Comments

This spring was unusual for me - apart from my rather irritating illness, I also had the honor of going to PyCon 2015. Surprisingly, I was there “on business” - I was working for the FOSS@MAGIC program, and when I wasn’t visiting talks I was manning our table, talking about the work that the students involved have done.

Some of the projects we demonstrated:

We had the opportunity to meet quite a few cool people, and hack side-by-side with them. I even had the chance to present ofCourse to several educators from all over North America, and got them in contact with educators at RIT, so hopefully we can spread open education to a wider group of students.

I’ll be able to post more about specific talks later, but overall PyCon was an amazing experience for me. Meeting so many great developers, talking about open source culture and development, sharing knowledge and learning, was intense. I sat and worked on the Python interpreter at the same table with Guido Van Rossum…though I admit that I was much less successful in fixing the bug than I had hoped.