Code, games, and sarcasm
Matt Soucy

Postmortem: libfabd

in code by Matt Soucy - Comments

My final project for advfoss, libfabd, was different than the first two.

With the previous ideas, I had existing code that I was adapting into a new form. RESTZZZ had the existing 0mq libraries that I adapted for the web. PrettyWeb had commonmark.js, which I adapted for a browser plugin.

I was kind of getting sick of writing things for browsers.

libfabd was an interesting project - I wanted to start writing in D again, and I wanted to work on a command-line project. By nature, I dislike writing things that the user can see, preferring to focus on things behind-the-scenes that allow developers to make cool things.

Naturally, the project I ended up doing was based on making pretty interfaces.

My friend and classmate rossdylan had been kicking around an idea for a rewrite of a Python library called fabulous. His reasoning was that the original development was halted, and the library had more features than belonged there. His project was written in C, so naturally a D binding was not only possible, but straightforward.

Since the binding was straightforward, I spent a lot more time reading through libfab’s C code and pointing out issues. There were a few efficiency problems and some confusion with the way C works, but overall rossdylan and I got some decent work done.

There were two big issues on D’s side. First of all, libfab allocated C strings that it expected the caller to take ownership of. Converting this to a D string would make it more convenient for D, but then there’s the issue of cleaning up after the allocated string. I didn’t see a good way to do that in the standard library, so I had to write a quick wrapper:

class CString {
	this(char* ptr) {
		raw = ptr;
	void toString(scope void delegate(const(char)[]) sink) const
	immutable(char)* toStringz() pure nothrow
		return cast(immutable(char)*)(raw);
	~this() {;
	char* raw;
	alias raw this;

This relies on using only for printing, which I was fine with, and converts the C string into a garbage-collected object.

The other issue I had was one that still isn’t solved. For some reason, wrapping the function xterm_to_rgb failed. I came to the conclusion that it was an issue with the sizes of C structs vs D structs (somehow), but this only seemed to happen at the C-to-D conversion. To fix this, I had to write a quick hack:

cfab.rgb_t xterm_to_rgb(int xcolor)
	auto res = cfab.xterm_to_rgb_i(xcolor);
	return cfab.rgb_t(
		(res>>16) & 0xFF,
		(res>>8) & 0xFF,
		res & 0xFF

This ends up calling cfab.xterm_to_rgb, converting that to an int to get it past the C-to-D conversion, and then unwrapping it again, which is slightly less efficient, but works. I’ll probably spend some time later figuring out how to fix it more cleanly.

As of now, libfabd is released on dub, which is pretty cool. Hopefully over the upcoming break I’ll be tweaking it and posting an announcement to the D newsgroups.

Special thanks go out to rossdylan for starting the “libfab ecosystem” for the class!